Series Overview/Methodology
Returning to the idea of play, I captured these images after inviting a friend over for a casual creative session where we engaged in an equivalent of parallel play.
Scan 70-71 (Bio-degradable Packing Peanuts)
In the first scan I captured, I placed packing peanuts directly onto the plate to see how the material would photograph. After testing the material, I added water to the scan plate and closed the lid before scanning. Due to the bio-degradable nature of the packing peanuts, they began to melt as they scan was captured, resulting in a transitional effect within the image.
Scan 70
Scan 71
Scan 72 (Deflated Aluminum Baloon)
The first scan with my new scanner. This image was a test to see what this unit was capable of. However, I really enjoyed the outcome and chose to include it in the final collection.
Scan 72
Scan 73-75 (Slime)
I placed plastic wrap and lots of water directly onto the scan plate and while performing the scans I flickered a fill light in the background.
Scan 73
Scan 74
Scan 75
Final Thoughts
The ability to put water directly on the scanner's plate and the experimentation provided by the capabilities of different units made this round of scans equally as exciting as the first. I look forward to building on this series further.